Tuesday, October 24, 2017

COMM 130: Interpersonal Communication 

Name: Maria Rebecca E. “Becky” Santos

Who Am I? – Listening Styles Reflection 


Part 1

1. What was your result/s on the Listening Styles Assessment?

                          Listening Style                                        Score

                         People-Oriented                                            3

                         Action-Oriented                                            2

                         Content-Oriented                                          2

                         Time-Oriented                                              2

2. Do your result/s align with your personality profile and communication styles results? 

    Please explain why or why not. 

I believe that the results of my listening styles assessment are aligned with my personality profile 

and communication style results. 

My personality profile placed my top three colors to be Purple, Red, and Blue, which according to 

Dawn Billings are "people who have a tendency to place a great deal of value on strong individual 


For my communication styles, my top three results were: 

Analyzer -  a problem solver who ask questions and revel in details.

Relater - quiet, caring and express pride in the accomplishment of the team.

Ruler - good at setting goals and emphasize action and results.

Now my listening styles assessment shows that I am people-oriented, but it's closely followed by  

action-oriented, content-oriented, and time-oriented. 

Looking at all the aforementioned results, wherein the top three results are numerically close to each 

other, I can see how all the profiles/styles support each other. 

As a mainly people-oriented listener, I pay close attention to what people have to say so that I can 

relay to them my honest opinion or say to them that I would have to double check that. 

My personality shows that I truly value my feedback and my communication style as an analyzer, 

relater, and ruler supports that. 

3. Examining the list below, what factors in your life have had an impact on your listening style?

    Please explain.

There are several factors in my life that have had an impact on my listening style but they are all 

mainly centered on the relationships that I have formed with the people I am communicating with. 

My immediate family composed of my husband, son, daughter-in-law, a 12 year old granddaughter 

and an 8 year old grandson is mainly the center of my life at this time. Their age, genders, the way 

they think or act varies, and so I use one, two or sometimes three different listening styles in any 

given situation.  

On top of that, my profession as a Real Estate Broker requires me to properly use all of the four 

listening styles depending on the situation.  Now you would think that at my age I should be an 

active listener by now ... but I only wish I can say, that I am truly an active listener.

Part 2

1. Who completed the Listening Styles comparison assessment and what relationship do they have to


Carlos, my one and only husband for the last 43 years completed the listening styles comparison 


2. What result/s did they get? 

                                Listening Style                                   Score

                             People-Oriented                                    4

                      Action-Oriented                                      4

                      Content-Oriented                                     4

                      Time-Oriented                                         1 

3. How was it similar or different from your original results?

The listening styles assessment completed by my husband is different from my original results. 

He showed me to be a "perfect" people-oriented, action-oriented, and content-oriented listener. 

Thankfully, he showed me to be a poor time-oriented listener instead of showing that I am not 

time-oriented listener at all. 

My original result mainly showed me as a people-oriented listener but is was numerically followed 

by my being an action-oriented, content-oriented, as well as a time-oriented listener. 

4. Does their result surprise you? Please explain why or why not?

The result of my husband's assessment of my listening style does not surprise me. In general, he is 

normally on time for appointments and the like and I am normally late. So his showing me as a 

poor time-oriented listener must be the result of this bad habit of mine. He has not taken this class

and so he does not realize that this bad habit of mine has nothing  to do with my listening style. 

5. In the end, how do you think your listening style has helped or hurt your overall interpersonal 


Learning the different listening styles helps my overall interpersonal communication. I want to be an 

active listener and as the illustration below shows ... it is not an easy task. At this time of my life, 

with all the education and experience (personal and professional) I have encountered, I know I am 

getting better at it, but I know that active listening is still something I need to pursue! 



Thank you for your time reading my

Who Am I? – Listening Styles Reflection !

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