Thursday, September 21, 2017

COMM 130: Interpersonal Communication 

Name: Maria Rebecca E. "Becky" Santos

Who Am I? – 
Communication Styles Reflection

Part 1

1. What was your result(s) on the Communication Styles Assessment?

                         Style                                    Score

                         Ruler                                     10
                      Analyzer                                  16
                        Relater                                   12
                     Entertainer                                  2

2. Do your result(s) align with your personality profile results? Please explain why or why not.

Since no one is perfect and thus have only one best result for either the personality and communication style, I believe the results of both assessments support one another. I chose the top three results of my assessments because the top three scores are numerically close to each other.

My communication styles assessment shows my top three to be:

* Analyzer - According to the Straight Talk Survey, "Thinkers (or in our case, Analyzers) are the world's problem solvers. They ask questions and revel in details. They may miss occasional deadline, but no one is more superbly equipped than the Thinker to think things through."

* Relater - According to the Straight Talk Survey, "Harmonizers (or in our case, Relaters) are quiet, caring people who express pride in the accomplishments of the team. Without them the world would be a far less caring place."

  * Ruler - According to the Straight Talk Survey, "Directors (or in our case Rulers) emphasize action and results. They're great at setting goals. Without the Director's drive, vision, and decisiveness, the world would be a much more static place."

Using the chart below copyright by Dawn L. Billings Inc., the three major primary colors that came out of my personality test are as follows:

* Purple - According to the chart, "You are a master at teaching others to manage time wisely."

* Red - According to the chart, "You are determined to help others Achieve Success."

* Blue - According to the chart, "Focus is your forte. When people are going in circles, you line them out."

3. Examining the list below, what factors in your life may have had an impact on your communication style? Please explain.

The factors in my life that may have had an impact on my communication styles are the following:

* Family - I basically have to take care of two households i.e., my husband and I, as well as my son, daughter-in-law, 11 year old granddaughter and 8 year old grandson. There is only 24 hours in a day, time does not stand still, I cannot rewind the time and so I have to consider all the things/events that is happening today, tomorrow and so on. Prioritize all these happenings and make sure that no one is left out and everything that needs to be done is accomplished properly. You can say that I do my best to be "superwoman". But I also need to set boundaries and say No!

* Age and Career/Job/Work - At my age I should ideally be retired, financially independent and traveling all over the world. Ah yes, in my dreams!

You can say that now it's not only my or my husband's problems, but there are also the problems of my son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren's problems that need to be analyzed and solved.

As an independent contractor with a Broker's license, I also work with Sellers and Buyers of Real Estate properties. In that capacity I see that I need to have all four communication styles since we (Seller, Buyer, Lender, Inspectors, Title Company, other REALTORS, etc...) are all part of a team that work together so we can end up with a win-win transaction.

Part II

1. Who completed the Communication Styles comparison assessment and what relationship do they have to you?

Carlos, my husband completed the Communication Styles Assessment. We got married on
May 31, 1974. To be together for more than 43 years makes him the best person to complete my communication styles assessment.

2. What result(s) did they get?

                    Style                                 Score

                   Ruler                                    8
                Analyzer                                15
                  Relater                                   5
               Entertainer                              12

3. How was it similar or different from your original results?

Both my husband and my assessment showed Analyzer with the highest score. However, Carlos' assessment score for me was closely followed for me as an Entertainer. When I assessed myself, my score as an Entertainer was so low that it was almost out of the scoreboard!

4. Does their result surprise you? Please explain why or why not?

Showing the same result (Analyzer) for the top communication style is no surprise. However for my husband to believe that I have an Entertainer's communication style so close to being an Analyzer is a surprise.

According to the Straight Talk Survey, Expressers (or in our case, Entertainers) are dynamic, dramatic, exciting, engaging, and entertaining. They may not always be organized. But without them the world would be a much less interesting place."

After reviewing this explanation of an Entertainer, I believe that is the perception that my husband gets because depending on who I am communicating with, I am dynamic, dramatic, exciting, engaging, and entertaining. Hmmm, he is probably right but I never considered that as my communication style in my mind.

5. In the end, what do you think this tells you about your communication and its effectiveness?

I thought I know my communication style and I know that my style is work in progress. What I think how I should communicate is not always how it comes out when I am actually communicating. I always need to remind myself to think before I speak or act - that's easier said, than done. Now that I am learning these four styles of communication styles, I see that I do have all four styles depending on the situation.

6. After completing the Communication Styles assessment, is there anything about your communication you would want to change?

Changing for the better is always good. Now knowing the different styles and being able to identify one's communication style right away is ideal. However I should change myself first. Sometimes I am too direct and to the point that words come out before I can properly process in my head how it will affect the other person or what outcome I want to accomplish.

Below is an image from of the four agreements that I consider to be helpful.

Thank you for your time reading my 

Who Am I? - Communication Styles Reflection

Monday, September 4, 2017

COMM 130: 

Interpersonal Communication

Name: Maria Rebecca E. “Becky” Santos 

Who Am I? - 

Personality Profile Reflection

Part 1 

1. What was your result(s) on the Personality Profile Assessment?
     Color                 Score
      Purple                 33
      Red                     31 
      Blue                    30
      Green                  26
      Orange                17
      Yellow                 10


 According to Dawn Billings' article published on
January 3, 2015, entitled "Your Personality Leadership Strengths",

"People who find themselves more heavily weighted on the RED/Purple/Blue side of the color wheel have a tendency to place a great deal of value on strong individual contribution".

From the eBook, "Coaching For Results: Expert Advice from 25 Top Coaches" Copyright © 2015 by Dawn L. Billings, Inc.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the result(s)? Please explain why or why not.

I definitely agree with the results of this primary colors personality test. A while back, I took a similar test, but did not pay attention to it. The previous test was not as thorough and so it is not this particular test.

If I remember correctly, it was only regarding how a color relates to how you think. I remember being an orange because I am more concerned about the details of something rather than looking at the whole picture. 

At this point in my life, I should have taken this primary colors personality test a long time ago. It would've alleviated some of the bad events and feelings I have encountered. The scores I got for the three colors of purple, red and blue are so close to each other and so after reviewing the major strengths and potential pitfalls in the aforementioned, I can actually see myself.

3. Why do you think you got that result(s)?

Because I took this personality test honestly, without                 thinking what I think should be the correct answer, the results came up with what my actual personality is, instead of what I think it should be. It took me five minutes or less to complete the test when normally I would probably ponder more to work it out so that I can come up with the best answers that may get the best results.  

4. Examining the list below, what factors in your life may have had an impact on your personality formation? Please explain.

Some of the factors in my life that may have had an impact on my personality formation are the following:

A. Education - my parents invested in an all girls Catholic             School in the Philippines for my elementary to college studies. St. Theresa's College's mission is to academically educate their students to let their light shine.

B. Family - growing up as a middle child, even though I       thought I had the most expensive education, I felt bad that there were times that I did not get the material "prizes" that my eldest sister and brother got, i.e., an out of the country trip for my elder sister's graduation or her lavish 18th birthday party, my elder brother's brand new car for his birthday, or my youngest brother's going with my parents to take a trip around the world when he was only 8years old.  

C. Age and Career/Job/Work - after earning my Bachelor of       Arts major in Humanities and Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Accounting degrees from Saint Theresa's College, the job opportunities I held when I moved to the United States normally entailed strengths in the purple, red and blue colors of the personality test. After earning my Salesperson and then my Broker's license in 1991, I am still a self-employed/independent contractor licensed Real Estate Broker associated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage and so these strengths are still predominant in my personality. 

Part II

1. Who completed the Personality Profile comparison assessment and what relationship do they have to you?

Carlos, my husband completed the Personality Profile         comparison assessment. We got married on May 31, 1974 and so being together for more than 43 years makes him the best person to complete this assessment.      

2. What result(s) did they get?
       Color                      Score
        Red                           35
        Blue                          32
        Purple                       29
        Green                        25
        Yellow                      15
        Orange                      11

3. How was it similar or different from your original results?

The results of my husband's personal assessment of my           personality is almost the same. In his assessment, Red is the most dominant, closely followed by Blue and then Purple. They are the same three major colors.

4. Does their result surprise you? Please explain why or why not?

This result does not surprise me. I would have been surprised if his assessment of my personality was different since I have spent most of my life with him as my husband. He should really know me by now!

5. In the end, what do you think the Personality Profile Assessment tells you about your communication and identity management?

I believe this Personality Profile Assessment is very helpful. I wish I took it a long time ago. Professor Hurless, your students today are lucky that you made them take this assessment now. This is the first time I am taking an interpersonal communication class and I am so glad I decided to take it. The lessons I am learning are invaluable to me both for my everyday life as well as my professional life. I have to work on minimizing or diminishing the possible pitfalls of having these personality traits. It is not too late to do this! 

It will be interesting to add this personality test in the menu of how I work with my my clients in Real Estate. I will further study the Personality Profile Assessment information and reviews online. But in the meantime, I need to know more of myself and improve my interpersonal communication skills. I am looking forward to the rest of the lessons I will learn from this class. 

  Thank you for your time reading my

Who am I? - Personality Profile Reflection!